How much do you remember Allah?

Muhammad Hoblos


Channel: Muhammad Hoblos

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The speaker discusses the concept of "will" and how it can protect from bad luck. They emphasize the importance of setting small goals to achieve personal dreams and remind listeners to achieve their own goals. The speaker also emphasizes the need for individuals to make small accomplishments and achieve their own goals.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala the King, the master, the Sustainer, the creator of the seven heavens and the earth and we send peace and blessings upon His Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my brothers and sisters my topic has been success through the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa taala. To remember Allah subhanho wa Taala is a quality of a believer from Quran and from Hadith we are informed that we are ordered by Allah and His Prophet, O you who believe to remember Allah in abundance, are you who believe, remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in abundance to make vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala to remember him to praise

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him to glorify Him, for very in the remembrance of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala what does he say in the Quran? He says, For verily in the remembrance of Allah, the hearts, what do they find?

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Allah says the hearts they find the rest. But Allah did not say in the remembrance of Allah you find what? Happiness because Allah is not seeking happiness. Allah says in the remembrance of Allah, the hearts they find rest.

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He finds peace.

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It finds a sense of belonging.

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Look, I've spoken for two minutes or spoke about Allah and already you feel this something weird happening.

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We spoke about Allah for two minutes. Imagine when you speak about Allah for an hour.

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Musa alayhis salatu salam, a very amazing prophet had a unique relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm rushing through this because it's already telling me 16 minutes.

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Right? So Musa had a very unique relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. So Musa says, Allah give me a DUA, give me a supplication, give me something I can remember you by. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the Musa he says yeah Musa and I'm paraphrasing. He says here Musa Bula Ilaha illa Allah Musa, c'est la ilaha illa Allah.

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You know what's unfortunate in our time, my brother's there used to be a time when being a Muslim was an honorable thing. Being a Muslim was something you took pride in. Being a Muslim was something you were privileged to be called. Today we're running away from it.

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Today, Muhammad's become Mo and most of us become Ellen and flatten.

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Because it's becoming embarrassing to be a Muslim. Now Allah He my brothers and my sisters, you should raise your head they'll die. You should raise the pie for the greatest honor, the greatest love the greatest gift. The greatest sign of Allah's Mercy on any human being is when Allah subhanho wa Taala bestows this person with his Rama with his blessing and he makes him a Muslim.

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That's the greatest honor you can ever have. So Musa says Allah give me to her. So Allah says in return, you're Musa Kula, Illa illa Allah.

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So Musa says Allah, are you already saying that, you know, halal law, and I was hoping for something a bit more. And he says all the prophets that came before me also settler Illa Illa Allah, so Allah subhanho wa taala. In return, he says to me or Musa, if the seven heavens and what he contains, was placed on one, one on one end of the scale, and La ilaha illa ma was placed on the other layer, Illa Illa, Allah would outweigh the seven heavens and the earth

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and you carry that in your heart.

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Yet how many times do you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the remembrance of Allah, the Prophet of Allah, He says, salallahu alayhi salam, more or less, he says the heart it becomes Rusty the heart, it becomes rusty and it's very normal. You know, especially in our day and age, you're going you're coming and your music and, you know, brother, Omar, Isa, you know, Allah was saying to him yesterday, I sent him you know, once I was on call waiting, I called the company and they put me on hold. You know, I used to love music when I was still holy Scelzi. But back then, like, really back then. So I still love music and leaving music has been one of my greatest challenges. Yeah, but still, every now and then when I'm in Woolies, and

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I play Michael Jackson, you may just see a moonwalk come out of me, you know? Because it's hard to let go you know, these these things. They're hard to let go up.

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Yeah, so anyway, so one time I was on hold,

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and they play the song and I don't even want to mention the song because I don't want what happened to me to happen to you, you know? So I mentioned you know, so so they put me on hold and I put the song on and with my B then soon and I was just doing these songs.

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The song was on so cumulates brows on hold for two minutes. And Wallah hajima taken us by Allah. It took me weeks. weeks to get that song out of my head man.

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See, I was remembering the song in my salah was remembering that

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believe it or not quite brothers there are people believe it or not

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the effect of music. Some people have that effect and greater when they hear the Quran

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because the greatest dhikr of Allah subhanho wa Taala is to read his book, because you're reading pure perfection.

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You are reading Revelation. Imagine Allah sent you a letter.

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You know, you ask yourself, Am I brothers, you know, let's be real. Sometimes I get frustrated with myself and I get frustrated with you know, with our souls. And I find that amazing. Some of us were 20 3040 some of us are 50 years of age. And after 50 years of living, we still only know the same end of Quran that we memorized when we were six and seven and Allah Allah before even reading it directly.

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And he asked yourself for 40 years of living footies you haven't increased your Quran not even one as

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you have an increased Quran not even a single verse. Sorry.

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Well, I don't even need this man.

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All right.

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One one point you haven't increased your Quran, no one verse.

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You know why? Because the truth is, is we're not in love.

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And I'm about to get all soft on you now and

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honestly, we're not in love.

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You remember my brother when you a love

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that come over who's married? Yeah, raise your hand who's married.

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So you forgot what love means. But the other brothers were mighty my brothers. Let's be real. When you're in love, or you're even more or less just for the sake of the youth to understand, or you're in a haram relationship, and you're texting a girl. And today even the girls texting the guy. You're in a haram relationship and you're texting your loved one what happens to you?

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One more he you don't sleep at night.

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You see under the covers and it's nice and warm and you got the phone in your hand. And you've sent her a letter or hotbar phlegm Hindu Turkey and your mind is going left and right. And your lay your heart bro you're you're alive. You feel every atom of every sense of your body is electrified. I'm waiting and why hell did she understand that?

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I remember the first time I ever got lol. Love what the hell is low?

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I remember the first time I ever read what is it B F F what is a BB F? No especially best friend forever.

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The hills that but you wait bro, you wait in anticipation. What's my loved one going to say?

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Allah sent you a whole book from his love.

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Honestly, when was the last time you read it?

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When was the last time you opened it.

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We're running around trying to find love here and there. And we're trying to find success here and there. And we're looking and we're searching and we're going high and low. And Allah subhanho wa Taala sent you a manuscript from him, pure love from him pure revelation, what? pure, pure, pure in every sense of the word. And yet we've neglected.

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Why my brother's

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the remembrance of Allah, the Prophet of Allah, he says something amazing, amazing. He says some are more useful and please, don't listen to me so you can be in the time. Brother, you know your heart, you know your heart, with your heart out today and put on the table and for God's sake, for God's sake. For Allah sake just once in your life. Let your heart

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Let it move, let it listen and absorb. Every inch of your body is crying for Allah. It's crying for his remembrance, and you the private every single day.

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Prophet of Allah he says, he says the difference between the one that remembers Allah and the one that doesn't remember Allah the difference between the two. He says it's like the living and the dead.

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The difference between the one that remembers Allah and the one that doesn't remember Allah he says the difference between the two is the difference between the living and the dead.

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This is the difference. You know Khalid bin Walid, one of the greats, one of the absolute members of our Ummah, Holly Khalid bin Walid, there's a certain there's a particular narration when they were facing the Romans, and Khalid bin Walid was an absolute wild horse just an absolute gun.

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So Khalid bin Walid used to wait for the Muslim army to go to, you know, to go to sleep at night, then on his own how to do a lead on his own, would melt on his horse and go over to the Romans go over to the enemy on his own to get into the army, what are they doing? What are they planning? So the Muslims used to trip or they say Khalid, what's wrong with you? You're the Amin, you're going on your own. I mean, at the very least take some men with you, maybe something happens to you. You're killed, something happens. Look at the way he thought. He says, didn't you hear the Prophet of Allah say, didn't you hear him say that the difference between the limit he says the difference between

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the one that remembers Allah and the one that doesn't? It's like the living in the dead. He said, What can 60,000 dead? Do to one man that's living?

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What can they do to me?

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Why because when you remember ALLAH, my brothers will lie your heart comes to life. To remember Allah subhanho wa Taala is a Psalm of true love. True love. The Prophet of Allah and my time is running short, the Prophet of Allah he mentions in the authentic hadith the writer, you know, it's a Muslim, the Prophet of Allah and he says, amazing, amazing, you know,

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Allah smart Allah, He says, more or less, it says, My slave when you remember me,

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I remember you,

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my slave, when you remember me on your own, I remember you on my own, my slave, when you remember me in a gathering like we're doing now, Allah says, My slave, I will remember you in a greater gathering.

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Ever seen the happiness of someone, when someone that serve a higher rank mentions his name.

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I lost count how many shop owners I have was dropped my name in that lecture,

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mentioned my product mentioned this and mentioned that and the happiness if I drop these nine nails, the happiness

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what happens when Allah drops your name?

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You want success?

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So the Prophet of Allah, He says, Allah subhanho wa Taala has angels, Allah has angels, these angels, their job is to circulate the earth and find gatherings where Allah is being remembered, like we're doing now.

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Don't I'm not the only I'm not trying to twist this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. And it's a part of you, that you believe it. And if you don't, you have serious, serious problems in your faith.

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So there's angels day jobs is to find these gatherings.

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And he said that the Prophet Allah he says, he said that these angels,

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they find these gatherings these gatherings they have no, they have light. And these gatherings they shine, the showing to the people of the heavens, like the stars shine for the people on Earth at night.

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That's what we're doing now, right now. So the angels when they find these gatherings, they start calling to one another.

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Imagine, imagine, you know, I find that interesting. When we watch a movie, you can always imagine yourself being the hero, you can always imagine yourself saving the girl at the end. You can always Imagine yourself driving the car and one last I was I would have done this and done that. But when we hit the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, it's basically inflammation halus just point form Habibi, you're supposed to leave it.

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So the angels they find the gathering and then they start calling one another. Come, come.

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We found what we were looking for.

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sahih Hadith

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than the Prophet of Allah, He says, Then the angels they come

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and they pack into the gathering, and they start sitting on top of one another until they reach the lowest heavens.

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You know, that special feeling that you're feeling now? Has nothing to do with me.

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He even says SallAllahu Sallam and I'm mixing between two different durations sorry between two different the Hadith but they're on the same topic. He says not only do they come in, he says but they will rub their wings against your shoulders.

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You know that feeling you're feeling now

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Habibi, that's the angels of Allah

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until they reach

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then Allah calls the angels. And of course Allah knows all. Allah says to the angels, what's going on? What's What's the commotion about? Of course, I'm paraphrasing. What's the commotion?

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So the angels they say Allah, there's a group of people that come together to remember your name.

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So Allah subhanaw taala. He says to the angels, he says, and what do they want? What do my slaves want?

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This is happening right now angels are speaking on your behalf. So the angels they say to Allah, they say

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Allah, the slaves they got together. They're remembering you, they're talking about you. Allah says what do they want? He says, so they say to him, they say, Oh Allah, they want your agenda.

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Allah says, have they seen my Jana? The angels say No. Allah says and what if they were to see my Jana? The angel say Allah if they were to see your Jamna they would glorify you more intensely. says what else? He says Allah they seek protection. They seek protection from your hellfire. Allah says Have they seen my whole fire? They say no. This is what if they want to see if they say Allah if they seen your hellfire, they would seek protection from it even more eagerly. He says What else do they seek? They say they see you know, I'm not sure exactly if it's a secret protection they seek your forgiveness. Allah subhanho wa Taala by the end

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Allah says oh my angels let it be known that I have given them what they after I have forgiven their sins. I have protected them from hellfire and I shall give them paradise.

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That's not my favorite part of the Hadith. This is right now.

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So one of the angels he says yeah, Allah.

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But there's someone in the crowd.

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And Wallah, he there's always this person in the crowd. There's probably 100 DNL.

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So the angel says, Yeah, Allah but there's someone in the crowd. He didn't want to be there.

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Some people were ready to put their heads down. While on ARM and someone said there's got to be a singer. Someone said to me, there's got to be some food somewhere out of line and I was dragged into this wall, I didn't want it. So the angel says, Oh Allah, there's someone in the gathering. He wasn't there. He's not a part of the gathering. He just happened to be, you know, he just happened to be passing by.

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Allah says, because of the greatness of that gathering, I have forgiven that person also.

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This is the success in when you remember Allah subhanho wa taala. My brothers, my brothers and sisters, 30 seconds, I'm definitely gonna go wherever but I'll be as quick as I can. Remembrance of Allah has to be a daily part of your life. And it has to be a weekly event in your life. One of the things that definitely helped me in my journey onto Dean was that I took an oath with Allah subhanho wa Taala that I will never miss a Thursday night lecture. Never my wife is giving birth. My mom is flying overseas, that I don't care what excuse it is. I will never ever miss a Thursday night talk. Our problem is is I don't doubt your intention. Now. My problem is my brothers. What we need to

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start doing my brothers and sisters, is you need to start setting some small goals. What do I want from you today? Today what I want from you is to be realistic. Make a promise with Allah subhanho wa Taala that your Allah, whatever it is, I will say Subhan Allah 100 times a day, I will go to the masjid once a week on this particular day and listen to a talk. I will start reading I don't care what challenge you give yourself. Just make a promise that you're Allah from this day I will start and I will never, ever, ever miss it again. That's the problem. It's the promise. It's the promise because Ramadan comes in Ramadan goes, everyone gets pumped a few days before Ramadan. You go to the

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masjid for two, three days and then follow next JIRA. No, no. And just very, very quickly, you need to make the intention. And the last thing the problem with our intention is there's never a penalty. You think what I mean the penalty what like a parking fine, yes, like a parking fine. Our problem is this, you need to take an oath that you're like let's say you agree to read half a page of NFA you're alone I promise you I will read half a page of Quran a day. And when the day comes that I don't read by half a page off core and because naturally it will come your Allah the next day I will redouble and I will give an amount of money in charity. You know if you do this and you stick to

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your promise, when the day comes that you miss your Quran, and you stick to your word and you pay your money in charity and you double up the day after that that you come to miss shaitan will come himself grab me by the hand and tell you habibi. Allah Dalek. Read your half a page because if you don't read your half a page tomorrow you're gonna cost me money in charity and double